

Friday, August 6, 2010

Refernce Collection :- (R) Readability Statics, RecentFiles,Rectangle,Reviews,Revisons,Rows

VBA Code :-

For each rs in Selection.Range.ReadabilityStatistics
Msgbox rs.Name & " - " & rs.Value
Next rs

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Content
wordval = myRange.ReadabilityStatistics(1).Value
Msgbox wordval

C# Code :-

public void ReadabilityStatics()
Word.ReadabilityStatistics wordReadStatics = ThisApplication.Selection.Range.ReadabilityStatistics;

foreach (Word.ReadabilityStatistic wordRead in wordReadStatics)
string strName = "";
strName = wordRead.Name;
float strValue ;
strValue = wordRead.Value;


VBA Code :-

RecentFiles.Maximum = 5
If ActiveDocument.Saved = True Then
RecentFiles.Add Document:=ActiveDocument.FullName, _
End If

If RecentFiles.Count >= 1 Then RecentFiles(1).Open

C# Code :-

public void RecentFiles()
ThisApplication.RecentFiles.Maximum = 5;

if (ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Saved == true)
object document = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.FullName;
object ReadOnly = true;
ThisApplication.RecentFiles.Add(ref document, ref ReadOnly);

if (ThisApplication.RecentFiles.Count >= 1)

VBA Code :-

Dim objRectangles As Rectangles

Set objRectangles = ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow _

C# Code :-

public void Rectanges()
Word.Rectangles wordRect = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.ActiveWindow.Panes[1].Pages[1].Rectangles;

VBA Code :-

Sub HideAuthorRevisions(blnRev As Boolean)
ActiveWindow.View.Reviewers(Index:=1) _
.Visible = False
End Sub

C# Code :-

public void hideAutorRevesion()
object objectvalue = 1;

ThisApplication.ActiveWindow.View.Reviewers.get_Item(ref objectvalue).Visible = false;

VBA Code :-

MsgBox ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count
For Each myRev In Selection.Range.Revisions
Next myRev
Set myRange = Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range
ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = True
Selection.InsertBefore "The "
MsgBox ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range.Revisions(1).Author

C# Code

public void Revisions()
int revCount = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Revisions.Count;

Word.Revisions wordRevesions = ThisApplication.Selection.Range.Revisions;

foreach (Word.Revision wordRev in wordRevesions)

Word.Range wordRange = ThisApplication.Selection.Paragraphs[1].Range;

ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions = true;
string strInsertBefore = "The ";

string strAutName = "";
strAutName = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Sections[1].Range.Revisions[1].Author;


VBA Code :-

ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Alignment = wdAlignRowCenter
If Selection.Information(wdWithInTable) = True Then
Selection.Rows.Add BeforeRow:=Selection.Rows(1)
End If

C# Code :-
public void RowAligment()
ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.Tables[1].Rows.Alignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdRowAlignment.wdAlignRowCenter;
bool isTable =(bool)ThisApplication.Selection.get_Information(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdInformation.wdWithInTable);
if (isTable)
object before = 1;
ThisApplication.Selection.Rows.Add(ref before);


1 comment:

  1. You've saved me hours of work. Thanks for taking the time to document this work.

    Only one question (I'm pretty new at this stuff), where does "ThisApplication" come from??


    chuck Snyder
